Attention Pool Owners: Here’s How You Can Keep Your Water Clear During the Chlorine Shortage and Consumer Prices Rising Costs

Article published on by Jennifer Raskin
You’re not imaging it…chlorine is harder to find right now, and it’s more expensive too in 2023. That’s because we’re in for another summer with a chlorine shortage, making it difficult for pool owners to keep their pools clear, sparkling, and safe for swimming.
Just like other industries, chlorine has also been affected by the global supply chain turmoil. With lockdowns during the heart of the pandemic, many turned to their pools as a way to safely get out of their homes without going anywhere. It provided a healthy means of escape, one that brought the refreshing chance to forget about the world for a little while.
Those that didn’t have pools had them built so that they could have their own private oasis to retreat to for during and after the pandemic. And thus with more pool owners, there was a massive surge in demand for chlorine to keep all of those pools in proper balance.
In fact, pool construction jumped by approximately 20% from 2019 to 2021 – resulting in the need for a whole lot of chlorine tablets.

To further complicate things, transportation and labor shortages hindered production even more for the chlorine industry. Then in 2020, a major chlorine plant caught fire followed by Hurricane Laura’s effects which wiped the production plant off the map. The devastation continued as only a handful of domestic chlorine manufacturers were left responsible for producing chlorine. When another chlorine production plant burned at the beginning of 2022 in New Jersey, it resulted in more loss for the industry, and more headaches for pool owners trying to get enough chlorine to sustain clear water that was safe for swimming.
It wasn’t just the shortage of availability though. It was the hit on wallets across the country as prices soared to nearly 142% higher than what they’d been in 2019. Chlorine is already harder to keep in stock because it is hazardous and can react with other chemicals in any form. Because of this fact, it only compound the other problems, making the price for maintaining a pool with the right amount of chlorine astronomical.
Thankfully, pool owners are starting to discover that there is a way to minimize chlorine usage and keep a pool clean, clear, and balanced for endless days of swimming enjoyment ahead.
How This One Simple Device is Helping Pools Stay Clean and Clear During the Chlorine Shortage and Consumer Prices Rising Costs

The Device That Requires Less Chlorine While Keeping Your Pool Clean
Perhaps the chlorine shortage isn’t such a bad thing when you think about it since exposure to this chemical poses many health risks for you and your family. Chlorine is needed to keep algae away, but using a simple floating device can reduce the need for it and allow you to have a sparkling pool.
Known as a copper ionizer, it is the secret savvy pool owners are using to not only get around the chlorine shortage but also reduce their own needs for chlorine in the name of better health and minimizing the household budget. It allows you to maintain cleaning, chemistry, and circulation in an innovative way, bringing copper ions to the water through a safe low current that reduces algae growth, microorganisms, pump maintenance, filters, and expensive chlorine.
Introducing The PureWTR™ AK600 Solar Pool Ionizer

Now you can reduce your dependence on chlorine and save more money while maintaining the balance in your pool. The PureWTR™ AK600 Solar Pool Ionizer is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to lessen the need for chlorine and minimize your exposure to this chemical.

Even though it’s small, it balances the water pH, Chlorine, Phosphates and alkalinity thanks to the power of the sun and copper ions. It’s American well-desinged too, and can work in both saltwater and chlorine pools, safely and effectively simplifying your efforts for maintenance and saving you thousands of dollars every year.

Since the chlorine shortage is expected to cause problems for pool owners for quite some time, it only makes sense to find a better alternative to keep your pool in immaculate condition. Now that you can use something safer and reduce your chlorine consumption, you can save money and your health too.

Unlike chlorine, copper is an essential element that the human body needs. It cannot cause allergies or harm. With the AK600, you simply place it in your pool and let it float. The solar panels convert the rays from the sun into a harmless form of low voltage electricity. This energizes an anode which in turn, releases copper ions into your pool, to stop the growth of algae and microorganisms without endangering you or your family.
The AK600 can reduce chlorine by 85%, plus it cuts down on the time you need to spend cleaning and maintaining your pool. While chlorine prices soar, you can now get back into your pool with confidence using the AK600 for less.
In fact, for a limited time, this handy, no-fuss, solar-powered copper ionizer is 33% off the regular price. That means you’ll save even more both now and in the long run off those crazy chlorine costs, all without compromising the condition of your swimming pool.
Yes, I want to reduce my chlorine costs and keep my pool clean!